Social Security
Representative Payee
We provide adult consumers with support in budgeting, managing bill payments, and spending guidance to enhance independent decision-making. Additionally, we offer assistance with daily skills, networking opportunities, and help in addressing any other emerging concerns.

Advocacy and Consulting
We provide a calming experience for individuals with intellectual and developmental disability to answer all their questions and provide explanations for their particular situations. We advocate for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and all students with special needs.
We host monthly complimentary events for adult community members with intellectual and developmental disabilities, featuring dances with refreshments, crafts, entertainment, and ice cream socials. We also assist in identifying other social or physical activities available in the local community.

Donating to The Mon-Arc of Monroe, Inc. creates a lasting impact on the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We can actively support them and their families and ensure that all people have fundamental moral, civil, and constitutional rights and the opportunities to live, learn, work, play, and worship in their chosen communities.
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We were established as a grassroots organization in 1962 to advocate for the human rights of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. The Mon-Arc of Monroe believes that all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities have strengths, abilities, and inherent value, are equal before the law, and must be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of the level of their disability. We educate the public to respect, accept, and include people with intellectual and developmental disabilities as equal members of society. We promote community participation by ensuring all people have fundamental moral, civil, and constitutional rights and opportunities to live, learn, work, play, and worship in their chosen communities.