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     Advocacy is at the heart of our services. We advocate across the lifespan in all areas of life. The ultimate goal is to empower individuals and families to become self-advocates and ultimately live self-determined lives. Our advocates are knowledgeable and compassionate and understand the barriers affecting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.

     In addition, we help individuals and families navigate a variety of human service system supports and networks to ensure an individual has a strong foundation to live a self-determined life. 

     The Mon-Arc of Monroe does not charge for advocacy or social events, and it does not plan to do so in the future.  Please call our office for more information.  (734) 241-5881.


Achieve With Us

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The Mon-Arc of Monroe promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.

The Mon-Arc of Monroe, Inc.

6021 Parkside Drive
Monroe, MI 48161

FAX: 734-241-3694

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